Video Conferencing for Education & Virtual Classrooms
Education World is changing with technology. Overall post-secondary admission declined overall but percentage of enrolment in online courses increased dramatically.
Due to this pandemic situation more and more students going for online education and almost all educational institute looking for next level distance learning options for their classrooms.
What is Video Conferencing?
Video Conferencing is one type of web calling technology a solution that help user to enable calls via Mobile, Desktop, Internet Brower’s or Video devices. Users can transmit his or her video live during interaction for better visual communication.
How I can use Video Conferencing of VOE at Work?
You can use VC in number of ways to collaborate with your colleagues in every work day:
• Weekly status meeting
• Project kick-off
• New employee training
• Quick brainstorming session
• Customer sales pitch
• Product concept review
• Managerial 1:1 meeting
• Connect remote classrooms
What is Virtual Classroom?
Software based teaching & learning environment that work similar to qualities of face-to-face classroom teaching that is called Virtual Classroom.
In virtual based classroom teachers and students from across the global participate in live communicate with each other with presentation sharing and video sharing features.
Some of Reasons to invest in Video conferencing Services or Virtual Classrooms:
#1. Get in Touch with remote area students:
There are very limited options for students who lives in rural areas. Technology like Virtual Online training or Virtual class room live allow students to access his or her educational opportunities remotely or from long distance.
#2. Interaction on regular interval mandatory:
Virtual Class room software made students to complete their coursework at their particular time or leisure. This will allow flexibility of students and sometime this will distract the students learning process.
Video Conferencing or Virtual Classroom Software helps students to interact face to face so it looks like humanize the learning process. Students collaborate with other students easily and can attend any lectures without matter of his current location.
#3. Recording of Lecture can be done easily for future reference:
When synchronous lectures are not possible or if students want to watch lecture again after some period of time for better understanding so video recording tool will be used which is very valuable.
Recording tool of VOE is highly flexible it will allow single as well as multi stream recording in single canvas. By which full engaged platform will be ready and students will take great advantage of that. Also they have rights to control place or location where all these recording will be stored.
#4. Guest Lecturers and Remote Educators connect easily:
Due to this pandemic issue global workforce increase so finding locals educators or experts can prove some challenges. So to attract pool of talent in your class room this video conferencing help to bring experts from different remote areas.
#5. Flipped Classroom Learning:
This flipped classroom learning solution delivered more personalized experience in regards with learning for participants which can open up avenues for eLearning models.
This method allows students to check on pre-recorded material for better understanding and then leaves classroom time for more in-depth interaction with material and personal discussion between teacher and students.
#6. Increase in revenues and decreased in cost of institutes:
As you know VOE helps you to connect in single system remotely from any place educator wants, due to which venue or facility cost decreased while access to new course will increase. So this will allow or attract more and more students from all over the global without adding extra facility in current infrastructure.
Some of the facts which help you to understand about virtual classroom benefits:
• One third user of internet spend time on YouTube which is approx. billions
• Each day more than five hundred million hrs videos are watched on YouTube
• Out of 100% approx. 87% of marketers use content in form of video
Key Features in Virtual Classroom & Video Conferencing:
Live Streaming: Streaming is the most obvious feature of any type of virtual classroom software yet before finalizing please look some good features like: HD Video Conferencing, secured live webcasting, Both way audio & video communication and low latency for great and user-friendly experience. All the above things are available with VOE.
Whiteboard: The most important features of Offline or Online class is whiteboard. By using whiteboard, you can write, explain, annotate, collate and brainstorm ideas using a whiteboard. As VOE we have advance whiteboard features which intact to teach any special subjects like math, sciences, chemistry etc.
Feedbacks, Surveys and Polls forms: VOE provide number of options like polls, surveys and feedback in whiteboard software by which you can measure the understanding of your learners and according to which can change or upgrade the studying process.
Test & Assessment: To check whether you are succeeded in eLearning process or not test has been conducted so that you can understand the learner capacity as well as his understanding.
There are a greater number of features in VOE virtual classroom software like: Code editor, Analytics, Fast and intuitive integration, Mobile optimization, Tools for deeper engagement, Seamless administration, Stability scalability and support, to know them feel free to contact us.
Virtual classroom tool is an indispensable tool for today’s educational system for educators and trainers, and the most efficient & effective way to harness the benefits of online learning for your purposes.
By choosing a right tool with the right mixture of functionality, intuitive design and scalability, you can help your students or employees learn and retain material more effectively & efficient, and generate a greater ROI on your online learning investment.
Now its definite that distance learning is the future of education system and flexible video conferencing software makes it 100% possible. By investing in a powerful video platform like VOE you can transform your feasible classrooms and open up avenues of online learning platform for students that you never thought possible.
Need to build a customize video conferencing solution for your educational or any institutional institution? We’ve got you back. Check out our VOE system — the massively flexible & customized, highly scalable video conferencing solution & virtual classroom solution that can take your classes to the next level.