The education sector is undergoing major transformational changes. The learning community is demanding greater ease and access and the management is trying to provide these while controlling costs.
An educational institution with multiple campuses faces challenges in keeping all of them connected. A simple and effective video conferencing solution empowers professors in different locations to collaborate via virtual meeting and simultaneously cut-out transit cost.
Epitome provides just this with a real-life setup that enables faculties to share ideas, exchange data, and ensure that the same standard of teaching is maintained across all campuses. Administrative staff can also use it to ensure university-wide standardization and control of processes and procedures.
Another challenge is to record class lectures for live or later distribution and remote viewing. This necessitates having in place hardware and software that can reliably and cleanly capture such information and stream it.
We has the hardware and software to do this. The HD camera, high-end camera control system, automated camera tracking system, and the streaming cloud services all are capable of automating lecture capture. streaming cloud services are a presenter-controlled camera system which incorporates both monitor-based tracking and camera preset tracking.
We solves the problem of bridging the gap between educators and learners. The technologies applied transform the traditional brick and mortar classroom into a global learning platform. Students can learn directly from the experts on various topics, ask questions, and collaborate with peers without shifting base.
Our virtual collaboration platform that makes teaching and learning beyond geographical borders a possibility. Now, students can attend lectures from anywhere, access course materials at their convenience, and work together with their geographically dispersed peers.