The solution helps Education Board in preventing any malpractice during the Exam resulting in transparent proceedings by real time intelligence.
Monitor Students During Examination with Epitome’s cloud based Surveillance system.
we’re dedicated to ensuring the fairness and integrity of every examination, whether it’s a School Exam, Entrance Exam, or Recruitment Exam. We employ advanced technologies and proactive monitoring to combat malpractices and uphold high standards. As cheating methods evolve, so do our strategies. We continuously innovate to safeguard exam credibility, equipped with the tools to detect and prevent misconduct, ensuring fair evaluations for all candidates
Our system shall open a Trust to secure your exams, protect your reputation, and ensure equitable outcomes. With us, your exams are in safe hands, allowing you to focus on delivering quality education and assessment.
We have a unique technology to manage comprehensive surveillance solution. Our cloud based monitoring system enables live broadcasting and employs AI-based cameras to monitor exam venues in real-time. These cameras are equipped to detect any suspicious activities and promptly alert monitoring teams. Additionally, GPS-enabled body-worn cameras worn by Flying Squads ensure agile responses to incidents, supported by live CCTV relay for enhanced oversight.
Being part of the confidential and intelligent industry, Epitome works on the core values of reliability, dedication, and satisfaction. We incur the highest standards of professional ethics and behavior in our services. Our team always try to deliver customized solutions to meet the client’s business requirements.
Ensure high-profile security in the examination center by deploying high-quality surveillance solutions, designed and delivered by Epitome
Identify suspicious behavior and take quick action to regulate best practices during the examination.
Get a complete range of security surveillance CCTV cameras for small and large examination centers
Live video monitoring of examination center to control unfair events and maintain discipline throughout.
Deploy our examination surveillance solutions and reduce the Flying Squad Officers costs for pro-active monitoring.