


Digitally Transforming the Government Sector with EPITOME

The government sector is ripe for the introduction of technological solutions that will help improve governance. There is a need for better decisions making with fewer resources. BYOD, remote work, and mobility trends are making rapid inroads into the sector. Video conferencing can take care of these requirements while also reducing operational costs.

Challenges Faced By The Government Sector Include :

  • +Reduce travel expenses
  • +Improve coordination and collaboration across government departments
  • +Improve communications and interactions with citizens
  • +Improve efficiency in government offices and processes

Epitome's Surveillance and streaming cloud services Enabled Solutions offering rich content sharing with superior quality audio solutions address these challenges by empowering educators and learners to experience exceptional, high-impact learning.

Specially the CCTV surveillance and Exam surveillance software and services enable the monitoring for large scale and thousands of camera at time. The entire solutions kit is a kind of plug n play and need less then 5 second time to deploy at location.

Smart & Intelligent Election Monitoring:

We match all the specifications as per the guidelines and we are part of the the OEM for the IMD and VMS/VAS for Election Poll Booth Webcasting.

Epitome’s best-in-class Election Poll Booth Monitoring system includes a broad spectrum of intelligent technology. Our election surveillance systems integrate a smart tech stack that allows IP CCTV camera and other devices deployed at polling centers to work in collaboration.

Keep an active eye on polling booths by installing our election surveillance and monitoring system. Leverage cloud-based video streaming through AI-powered digital CCTV security devices meant for excellence. Our distinctively developed video compression technology and bandwidth aggregation capabilities provide high-clarity video of polling booths.

AI Analytics Powered Intelligent Examination Surveillance

The solution helps Education Board in preventing any malpractice during the Exam resulting in transparent proceedings by real time intelligence.

Monitor Students During Examination with Epitome Surveillance Technology.

Our Exam Surveillance monitoring solutions are helping the Education Board in conducting fare examinations and preventing malpractices inside the hall. Leverage the power of robust security solutions by implementing the most powerful surveillance cameras equipped with artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities.

Being part of the confidential and intelligent industry, we works on the core values of reliability, dedication, and satisfaction. We incur the highest standards of professional ethics and behavior in our services. Our team always try to deliver customized solutions to meet the client’s business requirements.


Epitome allows you to build online events and live streaming for masses along with the grand experience without blowing your budget. Epitome is the Highest rated virtual event platform.

Contact Info

Office Address

Epitome Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
801/802, Aaron Spectra,
Rajpath Rangoli Rd, B/H Rajpath club, Bodakdev,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380054
Branch Office - Mumbai, Delhi